Wray Crescent Tree Nursery update
Almost a year ago the Friends of Wray Group planted over 100 trees when we established our small tree nursery for Islington. Our trees were provided by The Woodland Trust and we received support from LBI and as they grow trees will be made available to other Islington groups.
What the project is about
We planted numerous native species of tree, including Hazel, Crab Apple, Rowan, Blackthorn and Dog Rose (that latter is a shrub). As well as these native trees we have also nurtured numerous Grey Willow and Weeping Willow.
The aim of the Tree Nursery is to support LB Islington’s Biodiversity and Climate Strategy over the next 30 years. As they grow we will provide these trees to schools, voluntary groups, Friends Groups, and to public spaces free of charge.
We also seek local businesses who may want to plant a tree in exchange for a donation to help our group maintain and continue the project.
The first saplings are almost ready to move to new homes. We are now taking orders for the Dog Rose and Willow varieties in readiness for planting at the end of February/March, just in time for the spring growth spurt.
If your organisation, school, or business would like to plant one of our Wray Crescent trees please make contact.
Please help us support biodiversity within Islington by sharing this information with any groups you know.
We are also able to provide help with some deliveries.
Please contact us to secure your tree.

More information about our trees
The Grey Willow (Salix cinerea)
- Mature Height: 10m
- Grows well in damp, marshy areas.
- Current age: 1year / 1.5ft approx.
- May be used to cultivate living tunnel/walls
Weeping Willow (Salix babylonica)
- Mature Height/Spread: 15m
- Grows well in damp areas/near pond
- Needs space
- Current age: 1year / 1.5ft approx.
- May be used to cultivate living tunnel/walls
Dog Rose (Rosa canina)
- Mature Height/Spread 1 – 5 m
- Rose type: Scrambler
- Attracts all pollinators
- Summer flowering
- Grows well in woodland/hedgerow/wild garden environment.