Category: History

Event: Pot a plant to take home

Hi everyone! We wanted to let you know that Islington’s parks team are back in Wray Crescent this weekend on Saturday, April 13 to give you free plants, part of the regular, Islington-wide Pot A Plant to Take Home series of park visits. What is Pot A Plant to Take Home? Each year, Islington’s lovely…

By Editor 2024-04-10 Off

Banksy Comes to Hornsey Road

On Sunday March 17, we were all very surprised by the sudden appearance of a fantastic piece of street art on an otherwise forgotten wall, just beside a neglected tree at the side of Hornsey Road, in Tollington Ward, Islington North. The art went up mid-afternoon March 17 We came across it around 6pm as…

By Editor 2024-03-18 Off

The Return of the Wray Crescent History Walk

Islington Guided Walks held a really successful guided walk around Wray Crescent when they came to visit last autumn. They came festooned with stories concerning our local area, and around seventy people turned up – we think everyone was really interested. They are back September 29 The good news is they’re back to deliver a…

By Editor 2023-09-23 Off

The world beyond my window

We were sent this rather lovely project created by the daughter of local resident, John Roberts. We thought it was pretty interesting and very well done, so we thought we’d share it. As we hope everyone knows we have an evolving ‘Young Friends of Wray’ group, because the park is for all of us to…

By Editor 2023-05-27 Off

14 amazing facts you never knew about Islington

I made this for amusement a few years ago. I grabbed a whole bunch of facts from Pamela Shields’ excellent book, ‘Islington, the first 2,000 years’ (Amazon link) and put them together in this infographic. Did you know the population of Tollington c.1066 was 9 people? There’s around 10,000 today. Or that Whittington Hospital is…

By Editor 2021-04-08 Off