Banksy Comes to Hornsey Road

Banksy Comes to Hornsey Road

2024-03-18 Off By Editor

On Sunday March 17, we were all very surprised by the sudden appearance of a fantastic piece of street art on an otherwise forgotten wall, just beside a neglected tree at the side of Hornsey Road, in Tollington Ward, Islington North.

The art went up mid-afternoon March 17

We came across it around 6pm as we left the fantastic N19 public house, where we had happily enjoyed a couple of drinks and a game of pool. It was such a surprise.

Since then we have learned it didn’t just look like a Banksy — it actually IS a Banksy, as confirmed on the artist’s Instagram feed the following day.

When we first saw the picture, we learned it had been put on the wall that afternoon.

A Hornsey Road sensation

Overnight pictures of the artwork travelled worldwide online.

It is fair to say that Hornsey Road doesn’t often find itself the centre of the modern art world, and while we think the neighbourhood is fantastic and full of brilliant people, everyone we spoke with seemed pretty happy to have attracted a little of Banksy’s magic on our local street.

The following day was funny. All day there have been crowds of people showing up, the press are there with TV shows interviewing people, and it looks like some people have travelled across the country to see the work. Artists are making fabulous pictures of the piece and our beloved MP, Jeremy Corbyn, visited to take a look.

AP speaks with Corbyn

For the first time in a pretty long time, Hornsey Road hit TV news.

A new event for our local history

It’s a shame the TV shows didn’t talk to us, as we’d have been able to tell them that just opposite the mural sits the site of what was once a cinema – once called the Hornsey Palace – that almost became EMI’s modern recording studio when they were trying to sign Joe Meek, who lived down the road. If that had happened, The Beatles would have had a much better name than Abbey Road, which the studio would have replaced!

We thought it might be worth sharing a few images we’ve captured of Banksy’s art. After all, it has quite literally appeared two minutes walk from Wray Crescent park!

Some of the press coverage

This has been a big story globally since the artwork appeared. Take a look at just some of the coverage:

We’ve spotted reports in Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere. Most unlike most Monday’s on the Hornsey Road!