Announcement: Corbyn Street Party July 14
Greetings everyone!
We wanted to let you know two things:
1. We’ll be running our regular Saturday Kitchen Garden workshop at 11am this Saturday, and every Saturday in July — please join us!!
2. The super, brilliant Corbyn Street Party is back again this year on Sunday July 14. This is always a great event — the whole neighbourhood shows up, you’ll usually find stalls and food and music and all for free and all put together by the local community. We know lots of our fellow Friends also live on the street, so we’re hoping we all make a little time to show our support. It’s always a super party!!

Wray Crescent’s roses are beautiful.
Want to join the Friends of Wray Crescent and get involved in making the local community better, a bit of gardening and whatever else we can come up with together? Join the list using the form below: