Happy All Hallows’ Eve!
Or Allhallowtide or All Saints’ Eve or even Allhalloween. This annual celebration occurs on the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows’ Day. A time within the liturgical calendar dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs and all our dearly departed.
Theory suggests that modern day Halloween traditions are influenced by particularly by the Gaelic festival Samhain, which is believed to have pagan roots.

Our little Friends of Wray workers have been extremely busy ensuring this tradition continues and this year put on a wonderful display of ghoulishness, mischief and magicky things. Using lights, paints, costume, and bed sheets they created a fantastic display within the new Children’s Garden Area within the Yvonne Conolly Garden.

Each weekend a group of children accompanied by their parents help Lois develop the children’s garden area.
Recently a small pond has been erected and the kids have been busy adding plants around it, caring for them and learning new garden skills. Eager to learn more, they have turned their attention to learning to grow vegetables and so they will soon begin growing vegetables for the local community – we wonder what will be grown first!

Many thanks to all who have been involved, your work is making a wonderful contribution to our park!
If you would like to be involved in the children’s family workshops please use the contact form on the website.
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