Please help Sunnyside Community Gardens recover from damage
Many of you may know Sunnyside Community Gardens (Facebook link) just up Hornsey Rise.
Sadly, their garden was vandalised a couple of weeks ago, and they’ve appealed for help.
This is what happened, according to the Islington Gazette:
Sunnyside Community Gardens in Sunnyside Road was so smashed up it looked like a “hurricane had hit”, according to one volunteer.
Police were called after vandals ripped out plants, stole others and ripped the polytunnel – while human excrement was also found on the grounds.
The polytunnel is used by the garden’s volunteers to grow plants from seed, helping to raise money to run a forest school and nature club for small children as well as a green gym and cook and grow classes.
They’re a community focused, voluntary group just like we are at Friends of Wray, so we thought that some people might like to help them recover from this senseless damage.
Sunnyside is raising funds to repair the damage and has launched a Just Giving page where people in the local area can donate to help this lovely community space thrive.
Here’s the link — please help them.