We have affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society
We have affiliated to the RHS.
We think the knowledge and advice we can now access will be of great value for our work around the park and in the vegetable garden, but there’s lots of other reasons we chose to join.
- We gain free access to gardening advice form the RHS.
- We connect with the local horticultural federation for more help and advice.
- We get connected to other events related to horticulture.
- And we gain training and support for organisational development.
But there is also another great reason we joined.
The Annual Garden visit
As affiliates, we can take a very large number of our members to an RHS garden for a free visit once a year.
We think it might be fun for us all.
We’re not certain when we will organise such a trip, but it feels like something we could work toward for spring 2024, though perhaps before. We’re thinking an annual coach trip.
If this interests you please do sign up to our mailing list at the Join link above.
Stay tuned
We have lots more coming along.
We have yoga and tai-chi sessions (free/donations) restarting in the coming weeks.
We are trundling along with our plans for the Wray Crescent festival on July 29, and we have regular workshops and other events, including walking football, for you to get involved with.
Please enjoy the park, look after each other, and if you are able, please donate to help us continue our work.