Please come to the Winter Meeting: December 8
We would like to invite you to the next meeting of Friends of Wray Crescent. The meeting takes place on December 8 at 12 midday.
The meeting will take place at 12 Pine Grove N4.
We hope everyone can make it, and plan to provide a few mince pies!
Be seeing you.
Meeting Agenda
New faces
Minutes and matters arising
- Chair’s report
- Meetings
- Local partnerships
- Thinking about a 5-year plan
- Secretary’s report
Reports from working groups
The website
Appeal for volunteers to help manage and improve it
Building our membership
Ideas for outreach and ways to bring people in
How can we raise more funding at the grass roots?
Discussion of future ideas and what we should focus on in early 2018
As we head to spring, what can we do in the next 13 weeks? Events? A festival?
Any other business