What are your wishes for Wray Crescent Park?
We are asking local people (defined approximately as the N7/N4 areas) to share their wishes for the future of Wray Crescent Park.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many changes to our lives and means the entire community has been sharing our precious park, sometimes for the first time.
The picture above is a typical illustration of how hundreds of people across the local area have shared the space for the last few months, evenings, day time and at weekends. Some people began to call it ‘Wray Beach’. Now the cricket has returned to potentially deny us access to the main part of the park every weekday evening and often all weekend.
We think everyone appreciated the chance to enjoy and use this precious piece of space in a London borough that has less space to share than any other.
We want to understand how this has impacted the park community, what we want, and how to continue to make Wray Cresent a happy space everyone can share, so please help us by sharing your answers to the following questions.
Just enter your answer in the text box below each question and move on to answer the next one. You’ll submit all your answers at the end of the survey using the ‘Please submit your answers’ button.
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