Workshop Nov. 21 CANCELLED due to enhanced COVID risk
Hi everyone,
We’re so sad to have to cancel the second socially distanced workshop in the Kitchen Garden this weekend, but we think it is for the best.
Following extensive consultation with Islington Council today it was decided to cancel the session due to the enhanced COVID-19 risk in the area at the moment. It is also because of the lengthy delay between infection and symptom onset, and we don’t want anyone getting sick.
You may see one or two of us around over the weekend putting some more fruit bushes in the ground or topping up the path through the bog. Feel free to wave hello and (while maintaining that important distance) cheer us up, as we really miss the group sessions and working with people to make things better.
Please stay safe everyone.
(Image supplied by Stock Photo Secrets, who are offering up a small catalogue of images to help through the crisis free to community groups.)
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