Wray Crescent news: Repairs, libraries, and plants
Hi everyone, we have a little news.
Repairs in the park, playground closed for three days
The first piece of news comes from Islington Council, who tell us that there will be some safety surface repairs taking place in parks in Islington, and Wray Crescent is one of the parks that will receive some repair.
We don’t know the extent of what is planned, but we have been told repairs in the park will take three days, during which time the playground will be closed. All sites should be completed by March 15, assuming the weather permits the poor cold teams to get things done.
The book library is finally coming
The second news item is the book library plan for the park. Some may recall that we have been working towards getting this off the ground for some time. Unfortunately, the initial idea proved too costly and ambitious, but we’ve continued to search for a way forward.
The good news is that with thanks to contributions raised at the Thorpedale Road street party last year we expect to be installing the first of two libraries in the kid’s playground in March.
This will be a little book crossing library, the idea being that you can bring your old kid’s books there and children can take them if they wish, swap them, or even read them there.
We’ll be appealing for books when the library gets put in place.
The second library will follow once we’ve had a chance to learn from the first installation. This will be aimed at grown-ups.
Watch out for the flowers!
Finally, regular park users may have seen the new rotovated earth area appear in the park, thanks to LBI. In spring we will be planting dozens of flowers in the space (certainly after the cold goes) and hope to turn that area into a beautiful and inspiring space full of flowers for everyone to enjoy.
We have so much other work going on, so please come and join us on Saturday’s around 11am and please sign up to our mailing list to receive our intermittent emails. We have much more news to come.