Announcing Big Buzz III: Return of the bees!
Hi everyone,
We wanted to announce the Big Buzz Festival, which takes place on May 18, 2024.
The festival celebrates World Bee Day, which takes place every year in May.
We love the bees. We know how important they are to life itself. We were thrilled to win a Defra award recognizing our work on this in 2021. Did you know that every third spoonful of food you eat depends on the pollination bees and other pollinators provide?

The party begins at noon and runs until 4pm. We organised it with support from Islington Council.
Here’s what’s going on:
- Live entertainment from Dandy Andy & his Magical Mayhem 2pm.
- Actress, writer, beekeeper, Esther Coles from the Queenbees podcast.
- Pot a Plant – pot a plant and take one home with you!
- Face painting.
- The incredible honey stall.
- Tug of war.
- Cakes and food.
- Fun Activities for Kids.
- Wear your best bee costume and see you there!
- The fun starts at noon. It’s all free but please donate to help our work.
While you wait for the festival on May 18, take a look at these images from last year’s event.
Please join us to celebrate bees at The Big Buzz event on May 18 at noon. Feel free to join our group and mailing list here, and if you like what we do, please donate to our work here.
Stay tuned.
We have much more planned this summer, including the return of yoga and tai-chi in the park, regular work in the Yvonne Connelly gardens, a bigger park festival later in summer and much more.