Update: Help make Wray Crescent’s orchard even better (again) this weekend

Update: Help make Wray Crescent’s orchard even better (again) this weekend

2024-08-05 Off By Editor

We have teamed up with LBI and the Orchard Project to improve the orchard area in our park. Please join us for our second session between noon and 2pm on Saturday September 14. We have more sessions to come after that.

What is happening on September 14?

This session will focus on weeding around the fruit trees and mulching the tree pits. This is all about giving the park’s fruit trees a little TLC to help them thrive during winter and come back full of delicious fruit in their next growing season.

Project leader Lizzie is a mine of information about fruit trees and how to care for them, and she’d be delighted to meet you all and teach you what she knows. You don’t need to own your own trees to get involved, just join the group — and what you learn during this and the next four sessions will be useful to you when caring for any tree at all.

Snacks will be provided, tools will be available for use on the day – please join the session. (The next session takes place September 28).

During our last session we had to do some major work to rescue a very damaged plum tree – that’s some of us below – come and join us!

Who are the Orchard Project?

The Orchard Project is the UK’s only national charity dedicated to creating, maintaining and celebrating community orchards. They want to make sure that everyone in towns and cities across the UK is in walking distance of a community-run orchard. The aim is to help develop a better food system, based on people working together where they live to produce and harvest their own.

What will the Orchard Project do?

During our sessions, experts from the Orchard Project are going to work with people across our community to improve our orchard. This is information you can take home with you, advice that will help those who already have fruit trees in their garden take better care of them, while those who don’t have such luxuries can gain first-hand experience in tree-care in the park.

As well as advice, the Orchard Project will provide tangible help, including new trees that will be planted around the Wray Crescent orchard later during the year.

Who is this for?

Everyone who is interested in tree care should be at these workshops. While the sessions are focused on fruit trees, you will pick up transferable skills to help guide your care for other trees. You will learn more, get the chance to speak with your neighbours, and more. We think this will be interesting for kids who love trees, also.

We hosted a fantastic talk about the trees of Wray Crescent.

When do the sessions take place?

We have sessions booked on Saturdays from noon-2pm on the following dates:

  • August 10.
  • September 14.
  • September 28.
  • October 5.

Two additional sessions are also planned. We’ll keep you updated about those.

Who to thank

These sessions are bought to you by The Friends of Wray Crescent with Islington’s parks team and the Orchard Project. If you like what we do please support us –  we hope to see you on August 10, and sessions that follow that.

Also read: What we learned about the trees of Wray Crescent.