We continue to campaign for a truly multi-use park
We continue to try to put forward the argument that what the park needs isn’t an investment in one use above all other uses, but an investment in multiple things. We’re really pleased the Islington Tribune gave us a fair hearing in this.
It’s important to note that arguing for a fair balanced use of the precious space is not the same as saying ‘no cricket’.
It’s a shame that rather than engaging with our plea for more balanced use we find that many in favour of the game just ignore our argument and say we’re trying to stop cricket.
We’re not.
We’re trying to boost multiple uses of the space.
It’s also a shame that while the council seems to agree that the community needs access to the space, and agrees that there isn’t as much space as people in Islington need, it has engaged in no consultation on local need and instead focused only on one.
The council is simply not listening to us.
The proposal it currently offers does very little to cater for any need beyond one.
It betrays a huge lack of imagination and while it somehow has space for an office for cricketers and three changing rooms, the lack of thought is evidenced by its failure to even include space to store footballing equipment. There is nothing in it to support local need.
Further, we are told there is no management plan, the ‘community space’ lacks privacy and independent access, and the council has not shared its business plan for the structure.
We do not believe this much funding would be raised without such a plan – so why the secrecy?
The community space itself lacks privacy, is right near the kitchen, cricket office and the loos and can only be accessed from the front of the building, which we believe makes it an unappealing destination during the matches, which we now know can take place every weekday evening and every weekend day, and at other times.
This rather limits how useful the building can be to a community struggling with deprivation and a huge surge in adult and child mental health issues, post-pandemic.
We took extensive notes during the last meeting with the council which we are currently preparing to share.
Meanwhile, please read and share the Islington Tribune report.