Spring fund-raising appeal
Hello everyone,
We have lots to tell you in the next few weeks, and hope you can get involved in our regular Saturday workshops. We get together to work in the garden and do things around the park every Saturday at noon.
We also wanted to invite you to take part in our spring fund-raising appeal. As you may know, all the work we’ve done so far has been funded by various grants, including from the Mayor of London. We also received some personal donations, including from our much-missed neighbour, Yvonne Connelly, who the vegetable garden is named after.
That’s great, but we need to raise some money to keep projects moving, so we are turning to the community for help.
The cash will be used to purchase tons of soil and compost for various garden projects in spring, and to invest in fencing, plants, and tools for work we are doing to improve the sections of the park that flood so badly in winter. (We are so happy so many people like the path we build each year).
We also hope to put some cash aside for other nature conservation activity across the park, and towards the community library project we’ve been exploring.
To help raise funds, our lovely volunteer, Rachael, has launched a fund-raising campaign on GoFundMe, and every penny will go toward our work in the park.
We hope to win a Green Flag Award for the park again this year (for the third time). If we do, we may even get a flagpole to hang it from!
Please contribute to our work as we continue to try to improve our public park for our whole community – and please pass on this request to others if you can.
Here is the link to the fund-raising campaign (again).