How to respond to Islington’s Pavilion proposal: Before Sunday 31st March!
Islington Council have submitted plans for the new park building at a cost of £1.7m. At a public meeting on March 25, local residents decided these plans did not deliver enough for the local community and decided to attempt to engage with the planning process in order to help encourage the council to to improve…
How to use Islington’s planning portal to examine the plans for our park.
Islington Council have presented their slightly revised plans for a new park building as a planning application. The council’s letter dated 29 February 2024 says that we have only until March 31 to make representations of objection, comment, or support, and that these must be submitted online – though the process is not easy. How…
Welcome to spring/summer in Wray Crescent
Welcome to spring in Wray Crescent! We wanted to update everyone on news and forthcoming events in Wray Crescent Park, and the introduction of a new secretary for the group. We also wanted to invite everyone to mark a date in their diaries as we will hold our next public meeting on March 23, at…
Join the Friends of Wray this Christmas
As we reach the end of the year and begin planning for what we can achieve in the next one, we wanted to invite you to a pair of holiday season events we’ve put together for Christmas 2023 – an informal get together at the N19 pub and an impromptu carol singsong in the park. …
Help build the path and give a tree a home
You may have noticed it’s getting a little bit wet outside. You might also have noticed that some of the saplings in the tree nursery look like they’re ready to move to good homes. We wanted to get you to mark two dates in your diaries: November 4, 12 noon: The annual path laying work…
The Return of the Wray Crescent History Walk
Islington Guided Walks held a really successful guided walk around Wray Crescent when they came to visit last autumn. They came festooned with stories concerning our local area, and around seventy people turned up – we think everyone was really interested. They are back September 29 The good news is they’re back to deliver a…
Wray Crescent Festival photos & thanks to all
Alittle later than planned, we wanted to share some images of the day, ask for some ideas, and invite people to get involved if we decide to put together another event like that.
Wray Crescent keeps its Green Flag
We’re really pleased to confirm that Wray Crescent once again retained its Green Flag status, one of over a dozen parks in Islington to win this status.
Join us for Wray Crescent Festival July 29
We are thrilled to announce the very first Love Parks Summer Festival in Wray Crescent Park runs noon-5pm on July 29.
Help write a song for Wray Crescent
Come and help write a completely original song for Wray Crescent to be performed at the festival on July 29.