Cold weather action

Lots of people have mentioned that when it gets cold they sometimes see vulnerable people sleeping rough and wonder what they can do to help them. Islington Council recently published a report on what it is doing about the complex problem of homelessness. The report contains quite valuable information that should be useful to anyone…

By Editor 2019-01-20 Off

Season’s greetings from the Friends

Season’s greetings everyone. If you are visiting because you saw one of our posters around the park then welcome! Friends of Wray have only been active a little while, but we’ve done quite a lot of stuff: Created the group. Held five meetings. Had a brilliant summer BBQ — please join us next year! We…

By Editor 2018-12-19 Off

Islington publishes 17-year local plan

Islington has published a document detailing its planning policies and goals over the next 17-years. I imagine everyone should take a look. “Islington Council has set its sights on Clerkenwell Fire Station, Sainsbury’s in Liverpool Road and the Seven Sisters Road gyratory in a major planning document covering the next 17 years. “In the Nag’s…

By Editor 2018-11-29 Off

Finsbury Park stripped of Green Flag status

“Finsbury Park has been stripped of its Green Flag status after a damning “mystery shopper” report by an environmental charity.” Keep Britain Tidy noted: Litter not being cleaned Rats Poorly maintained play equipment Hope picnic area branded a ‘total disgrace’ This despite the park hosting so many very big, very profitable events across most of the…

By Editor 2018-11-21 Off

Mulching day two: Please join us on Nov 18

We had a really successful first mulching session on November 11. A good number of us turned up to weed flowerbeds, remove leaves, and put the mulch down to feed and protect the soil. We also planted some new plants behind the benches, which will look lovely in spring. In addition, we were shown our…

By Editor 2018-11-16 Off

14 amazing Islington facts

I made this a few years ago on a whim. I still find it quite interesting, and thought other Friends might like it, too. It reminds me that Winter is here and it’s possibly a good time to get a local history project off the ground, as this is something lots of members have said…

By Editor 2018-11-13 Off