Consultation on basketball court in Wray Crescent
Islington has announced a consultation event concerning the future of the basketball court in Wray Crescent on Saturday September 16, between 1-4pm.
Announcing Among Friends!
Announcing regular Friday evening acoustic sessions in the park for summer.
Wray Crescent Festival photos & thanks to all
Alittle later than planned, we wanted to share some images of the day, ask for some ideas, and invite people to get involved if we decide to put together another event like that.
Wray Crescent keeps its Green Flag
We’re really pleased to confirm that Wray Crescent once again retained its Green Flag status, one of over a dozen parks in Islington to win this status.
Join us for Wray Crescent Festival July 29
We are thrilled to announce the very first Love Parks Summer Festival in Wray Crescent Park runs noon-5pm on July 29.
Help write a song for Wray Crescent
Come and help write a completely original song for Wray Crescent to be performed at the festival on July 29.
Yoga and Tai-Chi in the park return from July 7
The Friends of Wray Crescent present yoga and tai-chi sessions in the park from July 7 at 6:30pm
Public Zoom Meeting June 23 at 6:30pm
Please join us for a public Zoom meeting to discuss the plans we have put together for a small festival in Wray Crescent this summer.
We have affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society
We think the knowledge and advice we can now access will be of great value for our work around the park and in the vegetable garden, but there’s lots of other reasons we chose to join.
The world beyond my window
We were sent this rather lovely project created by the daughter of local resident, John Roberts. We thought it was pretty interesting and very well done, so we thought we’d share it. As we hope everyone knows we have an evolving ‘Young Friends of Wray’ group, because the park is for all of us to…