Wray Crescent Tree Nursery update
The first saplings are ready to move to new homes from the Friends of Wray Crescent Tree Nursery.
Poll: Choose a community library design!
We know lots of people would like a small community library in Wray Crescent. Please tell us which design you like best
Wray Crescent keeps its Green Flag
We are thrilled to learn that Wray Crescent has retained the Green Flag award for another year.
Common birds of Islington Parks
These are the top nine birds you are most likely to see in any Islington park. Have you seen them all?
Wray Crescent needs you to act today
Our campaign is entering a critical phase. This Friday (July 16) is the last opportunity to use Islington’s deeply flawed feedback process to raise objections to the current plans. Islington is only asking three questions which it says will “help enhance the design and inform the building management plan that will be drafted as part…
What you can do to fight for a better deal for your park
We continue to campaign to convince Islington Council to keep Wray Crescent an open space, rather than giving the majority of the space across to one activity at the times of day (evenings and weekends in summer) most people need access to that space. To support our campaign we have two petitions, which we urge…
Wray Crescent Park User Survey 2021
We ran our first Wray Crescent Park user survey in 2020. When we did, we had hoped to feed the data to Islington Council in an attempt to show the depth of different things local people needed from our park. Even then, however, we had no idea how deeply the pandemic would change everything. We…
Watch three of four Tollington Ward candidates explain how they would represent you if elected
The Friends of Wray Crescent held a public hustings meeting with three out of the four candidates standing for election in Tollington Ward for a seat on Islington Council on June 24, 2021. It was an interesting and engaging meeting during which the candidates discussed a variety of topics, including how they would represent our…
Sign the petition for a better plan for our park
We are announcing two petitions in which we ask Islington to walk back on its current plans, engage in a credible survey of local need and deliver a more imaginative project that helps meet the complex needs of Tollington ward. The first petition is at Change.org. Please sign this now. We also have a petition…