Category: News

Please help Sunnyside Community Gardens recover from damage

Many of you may know Sunnyside Community Gardens (Facebook link) just up Hornsey Rise. Sadly, their garden was vandalised a couple of weeks ago, and they’ve appealed for help. This is what happened, according to the Islington Gazette: Sunnyside Community Gardens in Sunnyside Road was so smashed up it looked like a “hurricane had hit”,…

By Editor 2019-09-17 Off

Announcement: Corbyn Street Party July 14

Greetings everyone! We wanted to let you know two things: 1. We’ll be running our regular Saturday Kitchen Garden workshop at 11am this Saturday, and every Saturday in July — please join us!! 2. The super, brilliant Corbyn Street Party is back again this year on Sunday July 14. This is always a great event…

By Editor 2019-07-09 Off

Planting the seeds: Workshop #1

Hello, The first seeds are planted! 26 people during the day worked together to plant the seeds in the new raised beds. We’ll be getting together again in a few weeks to plant some seedlings — though we’ll be watering our plants regularly until then! So pleased to hear so many positive responses from around…

By Editor 2019-04-28 Off

Cold weather action

Lots of people have mentioned that when it gets cold they sometimes see vulnerable people sleeping rough and wonder what they can do to help them. Islington Council recently published a report on what it is doing about the complex problem of homelessness. The report contains quite valuable information that should be useful to anyone…

By Editor 2019-01-20 Off

Season’s greetings from the Friends

Season’s greetings everyone. If you are visiting because you saw one of our posters around the park then welcome! Friends of Wray have only been active a little while, but we’ve done quite a lot of stuff: Created the group. Held five meetings. Had a brilliant summer BBQ — please join us next year! We…

By Editor 2018-12-19 Off