Yoga and Tai-Chi in the park return from July 7
We’re thrilled to officially announce the return of yoga and tai-chi sessions in Wray Crescent park’s activity space starting from July 7. We ran these for 13 weeks last year.
So, what’s happening?
- At 6:30pm on July 7 we’ll gather for tai-chi sessions with our wonderful teacher, Steph.
- Then, on July 13 at 6:30 Alexa will return to begin yoga practise in the park.
- The sessions will run for eight weeks.
- Both teachers are fully accredited.
- No experience is required, but for yoga you must bring your own mat and loose clothing is recommended for both practises.
- The sessions last an hour.
As we did last year, no one will be turned away if they can’t afford to pay, but this year we are asking donations in the region of £5 per person per lesson – that’s way cheaper than anywhere else.
We’re asking those with the broadest shoulders to contribute so that those with less can also enjoy these sessions. They really are for everyone!
If you are interested, please make contact, and let us know so we have an idea for numbers. If you haven’t signed up already, we invite you to Join the Friends of Wray Crescent and our mailing list.
How we funded these sessions
This year’s sessions have been funded by donations collected during last year’s sessions, with additional support from Islington’s Make It Happen Fund.
We are very thankful to our funders for enabling these events for our community.
Every penny we raise is invested in the park – from soil to seeds, equipment to events, to the children’s library, benches and more. Please support our work.
Also mark July 29 in your diary, as that’s the date of the first Wray Crescent Festival we have put together, following the success of The Big Buzz. (More details will be made available very soon, and this will be a day for the whole family).
Sessions take place on Thursday and Friday evenings at 6:30pm.
The sessions we are offering are free to anyone to join, though we are requesting donations toward the costs of running the sessions once again in 2024.
(Last year’s donations were ring-fenced toward this year’s sessions. The outcome we hope for is for these sessions to become self-sustaining, and to extend the types of session we offer).
When: Yoga on Thursdays & Tai-Chi on Fridays this August
Where: Wray Crescent Park, activity space. Look for the flags!
You need: Please wear loose clothes. For yoga, please bring your own mat.
Cost: Free, £5/session donations requested, but no one will be turned away.
Time: From 6:30pm.
We do hope to see you there.
Where is the tai chi?
The Tai Chi will take place in the Activity Space in the park. Look out for three colourful flags.