Thanks for coming to Big Buzz 2023
During the first Big Buzz event to celebrate Bee Day we estimate over 200 local residents and kids showed up for fun in the sun.
Our AGM takes place February 10
Friends of Wray Crescent will hold our Annual General Meeting on Friday February 10, 2023, at 6pm.
What we learned about Wray Crescent
We enjoyed our best attended Tolly Talk ever, when around 70 friends and neighbours got together to join Islington guide, Oonagh Gay on a walk through our local history. Here are some of the highlights of what we learned.
Tolly Talk for Big Green Week, October 1, 2pm
You are warmly invited to our next Tolly Talk to celebrate Great Big Green Week with Rachael Halliday on Saturday October 1 at 2pm
Bulb Planting workshop October 23
We’d like to invite you to join in this year’s bulb planting workshop in Wray Crescent park on October 23 as part of Islington’s climate change event.
Watch three of four Tollington Ward candidates explain how they would represent you if elected
The Friends of Wray Crescent held a public hustings meeting with three out of the four candidates standing for election in Tollington Ward for a seat on Islington Council on June 24, 2021. It was an interesting and engaging meeting during which the candidates discussed a variety of topics, including how they would represent our…
Announcement: Meet your local council candidates at Tolly Talks
We would like to announce the first Tolly Talks event, presented by the Friends of Wray Crescent, on June 25 at 7pm on Zoom. We have invited all four of the candidates standing for election in the Tollington Ward by election to join us at this event. At time of writing, all four have agreed…
Initial criticisms of Wray Crescent cricket proposals
Dear Friends, As you know, Islington Council is pressing forward with its plans for cricket in Wray Crescent Park. Meanwhile the image above shows the extent to which it has funded alternatives to cricket in the park. You can download the consultation document here. The council is hosting two online information sessions (find out more…
Please respond to Islington’s Cricket club pavilion plan for our park
Friends, Islington Council has published what it calls the Wray Crescent Park Building Project Community Leaflet, in which it discusses its plans for a new cricket centre in our park, which includes a section it is calling a ‘Community Room’. You can download the consultation document here. There will be a couple of information sessions…
Workshop Nov. 21 CANCELLED due to enhanced COVID risk
Hi everyone, We’re so sad to have to cancel the second socially distanced workshop in the Kitchen Garden this weekend, but we think it is for the best. Following extensive consultation with Islington Council today it was decided to cancel the session due to the enhanced COVID-19 risk in the area at the moment. It…